
What You Shouldn’t Eat to Prevent Erection Problems

Several factors, including poor heart health, tobacco use, and certain medications, can cause erection problems. But did you know that the foods you eat may play a role in contributing to erectile dysfunction?


Is There a Connection Between Hydration and Erectile Dysfunction?

It's likely common knowledge that dehydration can cause various unpleasant symptoms, from....

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Placeat odit harum earum animi eos esse. Est dolorum deleniti non consequatur quas quidem magnam. Et provident sed sunt iure. Dolor quis totam assumenda omnis reprehenderit inventore facere. Vel dolorum omnis fugit.

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1. Do you have issues with…
(Please sselect one)

Sexual issues are more common than you think.

You are not alone.

Placeat odit harum earum animi eos esse. Est dolorum deleniti non consequatur quas.

2. How old are you?
(Please select one)
3. Approximately how long have you been experiencing problems?
(Please select one)
4. When you are sexually aroused how often are you able to remain hard enough for penetration? (ED)
(Please select one)
5. How difficult is it for you to maintain your erection to completion of intercourse? (ED)
(Please select one)
6. Do you ejaculate with little to no stimulation? (PE)
(Please select one)
7. During sexual intercourse, how often do you ejaculate before you want to? (PE)
(Please select one)

By taking action now, you will solve your problems sooner

Pie chart

40% of patients experience PE for 0-6 months before seeking treatment

*Indicative sample size of 1,250 men
8. Since you’ve noticed a decline in sexual performance, how much of a decrease has there been in your desire to have sex?
(Please select one)
9. Have you tried any treatments so far?
(Please select all that apply)
10. Overall, how satisfied are you with your sex life?
(Please select one)

Your results


Take control of your sexual health.

Optimale Health specialises in safe and healthy weight loss programs, testosterone optimisation programs and sexual dysfunction therapies.