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Keto Diet Effects on Sex Drive and Erectile Dysfunction

Written by Optimale Health | May 27, 2022 4:03:51 AM

Over the past few years, the keto diet has seen a rise in popularity. The main advantages are weight loss and improved overall health. In addition, the diet may also impact your sexual drive

What is Keto Diet?

The keto diet is a low-carbohydrate diet that focuses on consuming healthy fats and high-quality proteins, with minimal intake of "indirect" carbs from vegetables and certain fruits. To achieve your daily caloric needs, you'll have to consume far more fat and protein than usual.

In addition to limiting your sugar intake, other common foods to avoid on a keto diet include potatoes, pasta, whole grains, rice, corn and fruits.

Many people are drawn to the keto diet because it allows them to consume their favourite meats, dairy, seafood, and a wide variety of vegetables while limiting their intake of sugar and carbohydrates. The saying, "I'm going on a diet, but I'm eating bacon," used to seem like a futile idea. However, you can be on a diet and eat foods high in fat while following a keto diet.

One of the most crucial aspects of the keto diet is making sure that you're consuming as little unhealthy fats as possible while also focusing on heart-healthy fats. One approach is to use oils rich in fatty acids, such as avocado, coconut, or olive oil, to substitute for butter in your meals. Although steak, cheese, and cream are all considered keto meals, monitoring what you consume during your diet is essential. 

The following are some of the most common foods that are all acceptable options for a keto diet:

  • Brussel sprouts and cauliflower
  • Pork, chicken, or beef
  • Leafy greens such as lettuce, spinach, and kale
  • Yogurt, whether it's Greek or cottage,
  • Fatty fish like salmon and other seafood

Fish, nuts, eggs, olive oil, and avocados, all of which are staples of the ketogenic diet, are rich sources of these healthy fats. Omega-3 fatty acids also serve as a critical component for the beneficial sex hormones and even help increase levels of the brain chemical dopamine, which is responsible for inducing sexual arousal.

How Does The Keto Diet Work?

In the ketogenic diet, a state of ketosis is the name given to the diet process. Ketosis is a metabolic state that occurs when the body stops using carbs for energy and instead relies on fats and proteins.

The body constantly uses carbohydrates as a fuel source as they are the quickest and most efficient nutrients to convert. However, unlike low-carb diets, the ketogenic diet restricts carb intake so that your body has more “ketones”.

Fat is the primary source of ketones. Apart from lowering blood sugar and increasing insulin sensitivity, the keto diet promotes the breakdown of fat into ketones. During ketosis, your body will be forced to use fat and protein as an energy source since there are just not enough carbs available to power up your energy. 

Does The Keto Diet Affect Sexual Drive?

According to research, maintaining men's sexual performance may be aided by following a healthy eating regimen. A poor diet can lead to drops in testosterone – which can cause low sex drive and erectile dysfunction (ED). The keto diet can help with ED in various ways, including strengthening metabolism, increasing testosterone levels, and improving general health. 

Having less body fat means that testosterone levels increase, and estrogen levels are reduced, leading to increased libido and improved erectile function. It's easier to burn fat on a keto diet because you rely only on your own body fat for energy. The combination of diet and exercise can help you get rid of excessive fat buildup. 

Diet and other lifestyle choices can often be responsible for the development of erectile dysfunction. Another achievable goal of the keto diet is that you will get to reset your whole body and regain your sexual power. However, as with any diet, the key is to be patient. Your body may take time to adapt to the diet. 

Improved sex desire, better blood flow, and reduced erectile dysfunction are all positive effects of the ketogenic diet. Make sure that you include omega-3 fatty acids in your daily meals – as they are not only good for your heart health, but they are also helpful in improving your blood circulation. 

What Treatment Can Help with Erectile Dysfunction?

The food and drinks directly influence a person's well-being that they consume. You can improve your sex desire by eating a low-carb diet with plenty of fat and protein. In addition, it will help you maintain a healthy sex life and overall well-being.

ED affects a large number of men, particularly as they age. It is possible to figure out why ED is occurring with the help of a health professional. Unpack the causes and treatments available with Optimale Health.

Erectile dysfunction is treated best with a combination of lifestyle changes and medication. To determine the appropriate course of action, your doctor will first need to review your medical history, health issue, and overall lifestyle.

Better sexual performance, self-confidence, and a better life are all within reach as soon as you take action. Contact us today to learn more about how our AHPRA-registered and AHPRA-qualified doctors can help you!