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How Masturbating Before Sex Helps You to Last Longer

Written by Optimale Health | Aug 19, 2022 9:03:03 AM

Although some of us might not admit it, masturbation is something many enjoy. It has its hidden benefits too! It can help us figure out what we like (sexually), find out more about our own body, and it's a good way to kill time!

Not only that, masturbating before sex can help us, men, know what works. For some of those who have tried this, we know we are less sensitive to the touch during sex if we’ve masturbated before, and this is one of the main reasons we can last longer.

You may also not know how long you should masturbate before having sex, so put in some time to learn about your body and know it well. Read on to find out how masturbation can affect your sexual performance and how you (and your partner) can use masturbation to spice things up!

How Long Before Sex Should I Masturbate?

If you've ever had sex more than once in a few hours, maybe you’ve realised that it takes a little longer to reach climax the second time than it did the first time.

After you ejaculate, your body will go through a refractory period, which is just another way of saying "recovery phase." In theory, the refractory period should help you get better faster.

The time immediately after your ejaculation is known as the refractory phase. You might be unable to keep an erection at this point or even lose interest in having sex altogether. Depending on the person, this can go on for anywhere from a few minutes to a few days. So make sure you know what your body likes to have more fun in the bedroom!

People often masturbate before sex to last longer. If you masturbate a few hours before getting intimate, the idea is that you’ll still be in the refractory period when the moment of intimacy finally arrives. 

Even if you don't use this technique, you may find that masturbating earlier in the day or even just a short time before having sex makes you feel more confident and helps you have longer-lasting sex with your partner.

How Masturbation Provides Other Benefits for Your Sexual Life

Masturbation is an integral part of a healthy sexual life and a vital indicator of a person's level of physical health and sense of well-being.

Better moods

Endorphins are released in your body when you are sexually active, just like when you work out. When you masturbate, your body makes chemicals that make you feel good. Some of these are dopamine, which gives you a happy feeling when you satisfy a craving, and oxytocin, the "love" hormone. Hormones like these are released when people do things like hold hands or have sex.

Deeper sense of self and self-love

You can use masturbation to find out how your body reacts to different sexual stimuli, like erogenous zones and personal fantasies. This is an excellent way to boost your self-esteem and prepare to speak up for yourself and your needs when you're having sex with your partner.

Better sleep quality

The chemicals serotonin and prolactin, released during or after ejaculation, are made when you feel pleasure from masturbation. These chemicals can also help you sleep better.

Releases sexual tension

Sexual tension and anxiety can be made worse by stress, low self-esteem, and even health problems like erectile dysfunction. Masturbation can be a low-risk way to enjoy sexual pleasure and relieve some of this stress and anxiety.

Other Ways To Make Sex Last Longer

If you and your partner can stay sexually active for longer, it may help you both reach climax and have a more satisfying sexual experience.

As sexual intercourse occurs, you may ejaculate before you want to. This is called premature ejaculation. Many men have problems with ejaculating too soon. Premature ejaculation is often caused by stress or too much stimulation.

Try out these techniques to help you last longer in the bedroom: 

Reduce anxiety and stress

A sense of anxiety comes over you just before you are going to have sex or right after; you can feel it starting to come on, and as soon as it happens, you stop having an erection! You may feel threatened, scared, or afraid, so your body releases adrenaline, a powerful hormone.

Men often feel anxious and stressed when it comes to sex, especially when it comes to how long they are with their partner. This stress can get in the way of your time in the bedroom, so be aware of it, talk to your partner about it, and learn how to manage your stress

Change positions 

There are numerous reasons why switching sex positions can postpone ejaculation. You're more likely to ejaculate sooner if you're solely staying in your favourite place, because some parts can be better than others. Switching positions is also an easy way to take a break if you're nervous about finishing and don't want to rush.

Try out new positions with your partner by doing some research, and don’t forget that this can be a fun and exciting experience for you and your partner! 

If you want to boost your stamina, try a range of positions to see which ones you like best or which help you slow your pace and even ejaculation. Regarding favourite sexual situation, there is no right or wrong answer; it's all down to personal preferences.

Squeeze method

This technique works to get you as close as possible to ejaculating. When the penis is squeezed without being stimulated, the erection gets a little weaker. You can use this method more than once.

Stop-start method

This exercise can be done the same way as the squeeze method, which involves stimulating your penis until you are almost ready to climax. After that, you can slowly cut back on the stimulation until you no longer feel the need to ejaculate.

Deep breathing

Deep breathing can help you regain focus and control over your erections. As ejaculation gets closer, you may want to experiment with reducing stimulation and taking deep breaths.

Diversionary thoughts

This can help reduce some of the intensity of the experience, which could delay ejaculation. You may find it helpful to think about something unrelated to sex or focus on picturing your penis remaining hard to increase your pleasure time.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle 

You can improve your sexual health, performance, and blood flow to the penis by making healthy choices like eating a heart-healthy diet and working out regularly. Also, it is recommended that you watch how much alcohol you drink. Moderate drinking can help relax your body, make you feel better, and get you in the mood for sex. But drinking too much may cause you to ejaculate before you want to.

Exercise your pelvic muscles

When it comes to getting and keeping an erection, the pelvic muscles are the most important group of muscles in the body. This small but significant group of muscles brings blood to the penis and stops it from leaving. Weak pelvic muscles can cause weak erections, problems with erections, and weak ejaculations.

Seek out medical help

Early ejaculation can be a sign that you need to see a doctor, so if this is a problem for you, make an appointment right away. Recent advances in medicine have made it much easier and faster to treat sexual problems, such as ejaculating too early.

Talking to your doctor can help you examine your medical history and choose which treatment options are appropriate for your condition. Optimale Health delivers personalised treatment plans for men suffering with symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation. 

We want to help you feel better and get back in charge faster. Our treatment plans aren't a one-size-fits-all. Instead, they are made to fit your specific needs, and you can get help at every step of the way, from the first consultation to the end of treatment.