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Why Can't I Commit to A Relationship & How to Fix It

Written by Optimale Health | Jul 27, 2022 6:27:55 AM

After experiencing a string of unsuccessful relationships, you’ve got to the point where you ask yourself, “Why can't I commit to a relationship?”

Many people may label "commitment issues" as a toxic trait and a hindrance to their current or prospective romantic partnerships – yet they are unsure of the root causes or the best methods for resolving the issue.

You or your partner may struggle with a lack of commitment in your current relationship. Whatever the case, it's crucial to have a firm grasp of the meaning of commitment issues and the best ways to deal with them. 

What does “having commitment issues” mean? 

People with commitment issues struggle to give their relationships the time and energy they need to grow over the long term. This applies to those in a committed relationship and those currently on the dating scene.

When one person in a couple doesn't want to take the next step toward marriage or living together, that can signal a problem with commitment. In the early stages of dating, a person's reluctance to take things to the next level may seem like a typical commitment issue even though you're having a fantastic time together.

To be committed means to be devoted to another person, group, or activity. Commitment in a monogamous relationship typically means agreeing to weather the ups and downs of dating together. You can tell that things are getting better. However, a person who has difficulty making and keeping commitments will find it difficult to devote themselves to a task and follow through with necessary actions. 

What causes commitment issues? 

Various factors in one's life can lead to difficulties committing to a partner. A person's behaviour in a committed relationship may be affected by background, personality, and other factors. This makes it hard to distinguish between someone who genuinely doesn't want to commit and someone dealing with other issues.

Previous failed relationships.

Maybe when you think back on your love life, all you can recall are relationships that either ended severely or were never very good, to begin with. Given your background, your uncertainty about romantic relationships is understandable. It's also tricky if someone you cared about ultimately rejected you. In that case, commitment problems are likely to worsen.

You believe that nobody ever will if your loved one doesn't like you. Your low self-esteem impedes any social interactions you seek. Your inability to heal from the wounds of your previous relationships prevents you from moving forward.

Trauma or abuse.

Unresolved trauma and abuse can trigger severe issues at any time, making the situation much more complicated – like having an open wound. Therefore, a relationship with another person can be an ongoing source of pain and reopening of the injury, even if healing is a top priority.

An inability to form or maintain attachments from a young age

Whom you grew up with are the people who are responsible for seeing to our needs and teaching us how to get by in the world. However, many people do not receive the nurturing environment, emotional support, and physical safety they require as children, and they carry those unfulfilled needs into adult romantic partnerships.

Signs of commitment issues

You prefer anything casual.

Maybe you're not interested in committing to any romantic relationships. Instead, you gravitate toward relationships that bring you the pleasure you seek sexually, be it with the same person over time or with a new partner every night.

It's possible to feel trapped in a relationship despite strong feelings of attraction or even love as soon as you start discussing a future together. You're afraid of committing to someone because you worry about giving up control of your life, and you have no room for someone else. You have a fear of committing if you feel this way.

Maybe you find happiness and contentment just by having friends with benefits. Then, once you start having "feelings", you immediately re-evaluate your choices. 

You worry that your relationship will eventually end in disappointment.

As if that weren't enough, there's also the constant threat of the relationship fizzling out, which makes it difficult to commit fully. There is a direct correlation between the depth of our feelings for another person and the likelihood of suffering a heartbreak. Some people try to talk themselves out of relationships because they fear further heartache if they decide to stay. 

Is it possible that you've considered breaking up with your partner during times of emotional distance? If the answer is yes, it's likely due to your reluctance to make a long-term commitment rather than any problems in your relationship.

You avoid discussions about the future.

If your partner brings up potential plans for the two of you in the relationship, you avoid the conversation or change the subject. You fear making long-term plans because the thought of committing to something important makes you anxious. 

Your significant other may bring up marriage, moving in together, or even just a vacation together. However, that's too far in the future for you to worry about. In addition, you don't remember you bringing your significant other up in a conversation about your plans for the future. You can talk about the ideal job you'd love to have or the perfect home you and your imaginary family would love to live in, yet your partner is completely ignored. 

Ways to fix commitment issues

Long-term success in a relationship depends on both partners being dedicated to making it work – it ensures your security and calmness. Confidence is bolstered by the knowledge that you and your partner will continue to love, support, and cherish each other no matter what the future holds. Hence, invest as much time and energy as possible into working through your efforts about committing to a relationship with your partner.

If your partner is hesitant to commit despite your best efforts, you must do what you need to do for your happiness. The anxiety and insecurities in your relationships will persist in one form unless you begin addressing your fear of commitment and taking action.

The ability to talk openly and honestly with one another.

It's tough to put your feelings into words when you're struggling with commitment issues. Recognise that your relationship's lack of communication is a highly destructive pattern. Please don't run away from your partner; get real and be vulnerable with them.

Talk about the challenges you've faced in committed relationships. They will listen to and accept you if they’re meant for you.  Tell them you need time to yourself to figure things out. After all, open communication is the key to keeping a relationship flourishing.

Discover the source of your commitment fear.

If one doesn't know what needs fixing, it's because they don't know the precise reasons behind their thoughts. You will develop a fear of commitment and a desire to escape from your romantic relationships without understanding why you feel this way.

You could try to blame external factors, such as your partners, but eventually, you'll see that your inability to commit is a result of your insecurities. Get some time alone and start reflecting on things. One of the most important things you can do is to face your fear head-on while simultaneously realising that this is a scary thing to do.

Keep your expectations in check.

One of the leading causes of reluctance to commit is the search for the ideal partner. You never know if you won't find someone better. There is no such thing as a perfect relationship, and you must accept that. Couples put in the effort to ensure they have a good relationship. Since this is the case, it is imperative that you keep your expectations in check lest you miss out on meeting the love of your life. 

Getting professional help for treating commitment issues 

Therapists who focus on relationship issues can help those who seek help for commitment issues. Expertly addressing and exploring options for resolving commitment issues are skills possessed by mental health professionals.

Furthermore, therapy can help people hone their communication skills, making it more likely that they will feel comfortable opening up to prospective romantic partners about their fear of intimacy and related difficulties.

Professional Therapists

People with depression, social anxiety, or other mental health issues may find help from a trained therapist because they are afraid to commit. Those in committed relationships who struggle to maintain the necessary level of dedication may benefit from consulting a trained professional, especially if they experience symptoms of anxiety, stress, or another mental health condition.

Couples Counseling

Couples therapy can help discuss the challenges of a long-term relationship when either or both partners are experiencing shifts in their level of commitment. It may be helpful to seek professional guidance when making decisions about the future of a relationship wherein one or both partners suffer from commitment anxiety.

Support groups

Sometimes, hearing from those who have been where you are is the best way to ease your mind about making a long-term commitment. Many people having trouble in their relationships may benefit from meeting with a therapist in a group setting.

In-person or virtual support groups can help those hesitant to commit by sharing valuable information and creating a supportive environment. Many people find help at support groups, but it's essential to proceed cautiously because there's rarely a trained therapist.