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Too Much Ejaculation: How Often Should Men Release Sperm?

Written by Optimale Health | Sep 15, 2022 3:42:19 AM

Twenty-one times every month, am I right? Unfortunately, it is not that simple. There is no specific number of times to release the male seminal fluid each day, week, or month to get any beneficial result.

Most of us would say ejaculating feels good. But how can it benefit your health? Like getting Vitamin D, for instance, or doing 150 minutes of cardio a week?

Some research suggests that regular ejaculation has health benefits such as reducing inflammation, improving sperm quality, and better heart health. Meanwhile, there is still a debate claiming that semen retention or avoiding ejaculation is better for your health. Well, let’s find out, shall we?

What is sperm? 

By definition, sperm is a male reproductive cell or gamete in anisogamous forms of the sexual reproduction system. Its complex substance is made out of mostly water, plasma and mucus that contains 5 to 25 calories with calcium as essential nutrients in it. The penis ejaculates semen during orgasm, and these fluids help carry the sperm on its way to fertilise an egg on a female. 

During the phase of spermatogenesis, your testicles make several million sperm a day. On a complete sperm production cycle, you can respawn up to 8 billion sperm. This may seem too much, but you ejected anywhere from 20 to 300 million sperm cells per millilitre semen. 

We have all heard myths about sperm like pineapple, hot tubs, and being out of supply. What is the truth, however? 

It sticks around longer than you think.

Sperm usually stays in your body 48 hours after intercourse; however, it can hang around for up to five days to a week, depending on how healthy your cervical mucus is.  

Pineapple does not make sperm taste better.

Unfortunately, researchers and scientists haven’t had concrete evidence that pineapple makes semen taste better. It does contain fructose, giving it a slightly sweet taste, but there has never been an actual study that suggests food a guy eats would affect the taste of their swimmers. Although this myth has a ton of unofficial and unauthorised conventional evidence, if it’s working fine for your partner, go ahead and grab a pineapple.

Temperature can decrease sperm productivity.

It turns out that these little swimmers fluctuate with the change of seasons. Exposure to heat or overheating circumstances such as having your laptop on your lap or being in the jacuzzi, could lessen sperm count. It is at its lowest load during summer months and highest during winter. 

Having frequent sex or masturbation isn’t going to lower sperm count

Don’t worry, you don’t have a limited supply of swimmers to use up. Frequent ejaculation may decrease the volume, but if he generally has an average healthy sperm count, this shouldn’t impact since you generate millions of them every second. But sometimes, too much is not always great. This comes down to our core problems, and that is:

How often should men ejaculate

The question will help you know whether your ejaculation frequency is on average and whether you need self-control. There is no standard amount of times you should ejaculate. Therefore there are no reasons to control your ejaculation. The “normal” number of times you ejaculate varies depending on your age, relationship status, and health condition. 

According to the 2015 sexual exploration study in the US, ejaculation is frequent in men aged 25-30. Once they get to 30 or above, the frequency decreases slightly. However, a study in the journal of reproduction and contraception noted that some of the people in the census had hyperspermia.


What does it mean when a guy ejaculates a lot? That guy may have a condition called hyperspermia. Hyperspermia is a condition that causes a person to produce a larger volume of semen than average. It is a relatively rare condition compared with other issues regarding seminal fluid. It does not cause any significant physical changes or health attributes. However, it may reduce fertility. 

While the name indicates an increasing amount of sperm, this is not always the case. The increase in the volume of the semen may be due to the body producing more other fluids that make up the semen. 

What are the causes of hyperspermia? 

It is still not well-known. It is normal for a person to experience temporary hyperspermia, but the volume eventually returns to the normal range. Some even suggest there is potentially a connection between prolonged hyperspermia and diet and lifestyle, such as taking supplements or herbs to stimulate sexual organs. 

Other theories believe that a low-grade prostate infection causes inflammation, increasing fluid production. However, these theories remain primarily unstudied, and the exact reason for the condition is unknown.

In many cases, hyperspermia might cause low fertility. Some dudes with a high semen volume may have less sperm than regular in their ejaculate because other fluid in the semen dilutes the levels. This will negatively affect fertility.

Although, a low sperm count does not automatically make a person infertile. A person with hyperspermia can conceive. Men with hyperthermia who have normal to high levels of sperm in their ejaculation will typically have no problems with fertility. If a person with hyperthermia is trying to conceive, the doctors may recommend methods to help improve fertility, including:


Some of these medications, such as estrogen receptor blockers, might help you to improve sperm count. Clomiphene citrate stimulates hormone production in the brain, increasing sperm production. This is an off-label drug because no reliable studies have proven its effectiveness.

Assisted Reproductive Therapy

It is a treatment that doctors use to increase a person’s chance of successful conception. These include processes such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Generally speaking, reproductive therapy involves mixing sperm and eggs outside the body to allow fertilisation and then adding the fertilised egg into the uterus to grow. 

Another unpopular method that might help you to gain levels of sperm production is semen retention. 

Semen Retention

The magic of not ejaculating might surprise you. 

Constantly seeking an extra edge is always in our nature. As males, we continually strive to improve our health, most often mental, spiritual, physical, and sexual health. If you're trying to achieve any of these goals, you might be surprised to realise that you can earn more by not ejaculating. Although it seems contradictory, holding out on ejaculating for a set amount of time can help. 

Avoiding ejaculating is a topic that seems to have gained much traction recently, although the idea behind it goes back centuries. Before it became popular online, our ancestors sought semen retention for its potential health, emotional, and spiritual advantages. The ideas were clear in Taoism and tantric sex, even if they didn't have the scientific knowledge we have now about the benefits of avoiding ejaculating. 

The best thing about wanting to avoid ejaculation is the fact that there appear to be no more cons at all. Whatever your reason for doing so, there are no known health risks associated with prolonged semen retention. On the other hand, there may be a few benefits that we are still learning the true extent of today. 

What positive effects will you gain when fully committed to this semen retention method?

  1. The mental health
    Once you’re into the practice, you may notice a reduction of stress or anxiety daily, along with increased motivation when it comes to work, doing projects around the premise or pursuing other goals.

    Perhaps the most significant aspect is the renewed sense of self-control you’ll gain from abstinence. All of the benefits can be traced to the increase in testosterone levels. Think about how you felt ready to run your day when you were younger. You might be able to recapture some of that same feeling by avoiding ejaculating.

  2. The spiritual health
    Most men who practised semen retention have reported better overall happiness and satisfaction. Others even have experienced more profound, more meaningful relationships with their partner.

    According to them, they are taking the focus away from sexual pursuits allowing them to concentrate on the other aspects of their love lives. Spending time talking with men who have experienced these benefits can be eye-opening for anyone considering following the same change method.

  3. Physical health
    Unsurprisingly, many of these effects are correlated again with higher testosterone levels. Things like being in a mood and increasing energy along with decreasing body fat are the results one might expect from having more testosterone. Perhaps one of the most exciting news is that the scientific benefits of not ejaculating may manifest quicker than you’d think.

    There are many benefits of not ejaculating for a week. Among the 30 volunteers, testosterone level maxed out on the seventh day. A study made two years prior resulted in increasing testosterone levels in those who did not ejaculate for three weeks. With elevated testosterone, it has been linked to the following improvements:
  • Greater energy
  • Increased muscle growth
  • Thicker hair 
  • Better sperm quality

As mentioned before, these physical benefits can aid our mental and emotional states. It is an exciting cycle of positive realisation that can potentially start after a day of abstinence. 

Final Words

There are several, if not many, health benefits for men who decide not to release their swimmers. More research is necessary to determine these benefits and their exact function in everyday life. 

Choosing to abstain is purely personal in nature. If you have been searching for a way to upgrade control of your life and experience the health benefits it generates, choosing not to ejaculate might be the correct answer.